Career Assistance
Great Bay Community College is committed to empowering students to achieve their career goals by supporting them in choosing a career direction, exploring opportunities, and seeking employment.
We are here to help you with your goals!
Thinking about choosing or changing a major?
- Identify your interests, skills, and values.
- Take a short career interest assessment: Career Coach
- Schedule an appointment with the career coach to explore your options
Looking to discover career opportunities in your field?
- Check out the college Job Board
- Do an information interview or job shadow
- Apply for an internship
Ready to land your dream job?
- Develop a job search strategy
- Create a resume and cover letter
- Prepare for an interview
Contact the Career Center for assistance!
CAPS Room 210A | [email protected] | 603-427-7699
Interested in learning skills that employers are looking for?
WorkReadyNH is a tuition-FREE course that builds CONFIDENCE and enhances the professional skills that NH employers value most.
Strengthen your resume | Interview better | Communicate more effectively | Prevent & resolve workplace conflicts | Practice solving real workplace problems | Build better teams
Learn more: WorkReadyNH.ย

Internship Fairs
Vet Tech Internship Fair
Wednesday, February 12, 11:30-1:30PM, Triple Room
Shaw’s Stratham Recruiter
Wednesday, February 19, 11-1:00PM, Lobby
Massage Therapy Externship Fair
Wednesday, February 26, 11-1:00PM, Triple Room
Criminal Justice Career & Internship Fair
Wednesday, March 12, 11-1:00PM, Lobby